게시됨: 2019.07.23. Venezuela has sold gold in the amount of $ 40 million.

Venezuela has sold gold in the amount of $ 40 million. - 보기

According to Bloomberg, the Venezuelan authorities sold last week gold worth $ 40 million. This country is under pressure from US sanctions, which can at any time completely destroy the existing regime of Nicolas Maduro.

According to available data, the Central Bank of Venezuela sold almost one ton of yellow precious metal last week and reduced the country's dollar reserves to $ 8.1 billion, which is the minimum in the last 30 years. According to some data, since April of this year Maduro has already sold about 24 tons of gold from reserves. Among the buyers are some companies from the UAE and Turkey.

It is worth recalling that in April of this year, the US Treasury imposed sanctions against the Central Bank of Venezuela to prevent it from selling gold to other countries. The fact is that Nicolas Maduro uses his financial means to keep his regime afloat. For this, he needs to constantly replenish his cash reserves.